Meet the Team

  • Rev. Maureen Cassidy

    Maureen is a lover of the one and only true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Holy Spirit, and The Word of God.
    Co-laborer with The Holy Spirit for The Kingdom of God for souls salvation/restoration healing.

    Ordained Minister, Disciple, Intercessor, Missionary, Believer, and Follower of Jesus Christ.

    Mother of four amazing children-

    B.S. in Elementary/Environmental Education-
    Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry First Year Graduate-
    Founder, 4M Consulting, LLC, worldwide child custody mediation and cross-border dispute resolution-
    Family and Child Advocate-
    Co-Founder, Windows Of Heaven Global Healing Centers Ministry-

    Full Ministerial Ordination, Joan Hunter Ministries

    Member, The Way Church

  • Dorcas Richmond-David

    Dorcas’ passion and primary focus is Life Coaching. We are a Spirit that lives in a Body that has a Soul. Our Souls can be affected by trauma from ourselves, others, and events causing stress, anxiety, anger, fear, depression, and more. My great passion is bringing healing to people, so they can live fully in joy, live in peace, and walk in their calling.
    Dorcas began her education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, in May 1986 Bachelor of Science Degree: Merchandising Minor: Business Administration/Marketing.

    Attended many structured training classes including Account Executive School, Valuing Diversity Course, Supervisors Leadership School, Managers Leadership School, and The Dale Carnegie Course.
    Dorcas continued her education to become a life coach in 2020; Life Harmony Coach Certification 2020, Holistic Emotions Integrated Certification 2020, Communication Mastery (NLP) Certification Training 2020, Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming 2020, Aloha Mastermind Program January 2021- January 2023, Communication Mastery Training Level 2 2023

    Dorcas also is a Published Author and published Book collaboration “The Power of Coaching”

  • picture of pastor David Agyepong

    Pastor David Agyepong

    Pastor David Agyepong is a highly regarded and dynamic spiritual leader, He is the founder and the lead pastor of the International Life-Giving Church in the city of Koforidua, Ghana, West Africa. With a sincere passion for inspiring and transforming lives through the timeless message of the gospel, Pastor David has dedicated his life to equipping individuals with the tools necessary for spiritual growth and personal development.
    With over 15 years of pastoral experience, Pastor David has distinguished himself as a visionary leader with an unwavering commitment to the local community. Under his guidance, the International Life-Giving Church has experienced remarkable growth, from a small congregation to a thriving community of believers from diverse backgrounds.
    Beyond his pastoral role, Pastor David is also actively involved in various charitable initiatives aimed at improving the lives of those less fortunate. He believes in making a positive impact by meeting the practical needs of individuals and communities, all while sharing the love of Christ.
    Pastor David's academic background showcases his commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. He holds a Degree in Biblical Studies from the Impact Ministerial Institute a renowned theological institution and frequently attends conferences and seminars to stay abreast of the latest developments in ministry and leadership.
    His dedication to spreading the message of hope and faith has made him a highly respected figure in the region, a true servant of God, and a source of inspiration for many.

  • Anita Ament

    With over 50 years in accounting and Administration. Anita attended Greater Outreach Bible School in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. She was ordained for 39 years through Greater Outreach Bible School in Monroeville, Pennsylvania.
    Anita completed a correspondence course with Rhema Bible School in 2019. Anita has been the administrator of children’s ministries, in several churches over the past 35 years.
    From 1999 -2017 Anita was an administrative assistant, DV, and SA counselor, receptionist, and purchase of inventory for both the shelter at Blackburn Center Against Domestic and Sexual Violence In Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

  • picture of Angel Borges

    Angel Borges

    28 years working as a logistics Manager and 2 years as a QA Manager in the food industry. Graduated from MIZPA Bible Institute(2012)and MAVA University with a Bachelor’s degree(2016)and Doctorate (2023). Firm believer of the Holy Trinity (Father Son and Holy Spirit). Believer that we need to show more of Christ through our interactions with everyone. Education, helping others and being a father are my passion.

  • Donna Florimonte bio photo

    Donna Florimonte

    Donna Florimonte graduated from Saint Joseph's Nursing School as a registered nurse in 1978. She has practiced nursing in New York, Philadelphia, California and New Mexico. In 1986, due to her own health challenges, after traditional medicine had no help, she sought integrative medicine for answers.
    Ms. Florimonte furthered her education and became a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Massage Therapist and Electro-Lymphatic Massage Therapist. She has worked at the prestigious Optimal Health Institute in Lemon Grove, California near San Diego learning good nutrition and low heat cooking.
    Ms. Florimonte later opened Waverly Wellness House, specializing in cleansing and detoxification. In 2007, becoming Nationally Board Certified in Colon Hydrotherapy.
    Donna grew up as a holiday Catholic and at a Catholic retreat had her first real experience with Jesus and encountering the Holy Spirit. She joined the Charismatic movement after her Aunt Joyce, accepting the Lord and becoming born-again in her early to mid-twenties. After the disillusionment of her mother and brother dying without being healed, she was searching in the New Age. She later got into counseling and went to Medjugorje with a friend, changing her life, causing her to be able to let go of the grief of losing her mother and brother. She continued going to the Catholic Church during the week and Pentecostal services on the weekend.
    She went to Toronto in October 2005 major revival from all over the World. She went to the front, closed eyes and envisioned Jesus in the Transfiguration. “My hands were pierced for you!”. Jesus said. She went to Carpenter’s Shop for the 8 Days Ablaze Prophetic Conference in Wildwood, NJ in October 2005. This prompted the start of the Spirit Wave of Waverly, now the House of Wellsprings home church meetings on October 5, 2005. Pastor Bill Dickerson prophesied I would meet a man who lived in Scranton, PA who would work with me in my business and ministry, three months later we met February 7, 2006 and later married. Pastor Dickerson appointed Jerry Berbary to lead the meeting and he did so for the next 5 years. Afterwards, Pastor Wayne Mitchell led the meeting for the next 5 years. Over the last 18+ years, we have had many traveling ministers speak at our meeting, from around the country and a few from other countries. Miracles have taken place in our living room, changing people’s lives. A couple had met at our meeting and eventually married. After having ongoing difficulty with her physical health being unable to walk at times, two and a half years ago, Pastor Rob Meyer from the Carpenter’s Shop prayed over her and she has been able to walk since.

  • photo of renee gorski

    Renee' Gorski

    LPN, Pastoral Minister, Intercessor, Teacher, Missionary
    Apollo, PA
    While caretaking my special needs sister, I had a profound spiritual encounter with The Holy Spirit. From that point on, I have committed my life to following Jesus Christ. I soon became certified and taught Montessori Education. It is a learning process that is more individual and natural with a high learning rate. From there, I attended the University of Valley Forge (formerly Valley Forge Christian College) as a Missions Major. At that college, I met my wonderful, Pastor husband of 35 years, which was divinely orchestrated.
    After being wed, we had our first pastoral assignment in Baltimore, MD as youth pastors.. Our second place was in Lynchburg, VA as youth and assistant pastors. Next, The Lord sent us as missionary pastors to Saltzburg, PA. A nearby town of Latrobe, PA was our next assignment as senior pastors for 20 years. During those years, I became a licensed LPN nurse and worked in the field for 12 years. I currently still hold my LPN license in Pennsylvania.
    My favorite nursing position is taking care of my husband full time, who is recovering from a major stroke due to a car accident in 2019. Over the years, God blessed us with 2 amazing sons. Now, adults, they left their careers to come back home and help take care of their dad. During our time in Latrobe, PA, upon meeting Maureen, our vision for Healing Centers was confirmed.

  • Danielle Jacek

    Danielle is passionate about helping others heal from trauma.
    In 2010 she received her AA in Early Childhood Development and in 2012 BA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on the Psycho-Social Rehabilitation of Child Trauma. Her senior Capstone project focused on the Prognosis of Child Trafficking Victims.
    Danielle has received certifications in business as well as various forms of digital marketing since her university graduation.
    She is now pursuing Board Certification in integrative nutrition coaching.

  • image of Sacie Libert

    Stacie Liebert

    I am a wife and homeschooling mom to 3. I’m a registered dietitian and interested in natural health practices. Also an intercessor, and prophetic singer, and gave leadership to Centre House of Prayer in State College, Pennsylvania. I’m currently studying to be a life coach and get a certification in healing prayer ministry from Deeper Walk Ministries International. I serve on the board as an intercessor.

  • Eman Norman

    Eman Norman, Nashville, TN
    Ordained Minister
    Founder of Kingdom of Loving Ministries- serving the lost locally, building up laborers for the Harvest, feeding the poor, and helping jailed juveniles.
    Co-Director of Windows Of Heaven Global Healing Ministry/Advisory Board
    Liaison, coordinator, and prayer missionary at Kingshill House of Prayer
    Author of, “Kingdom of Loving” (English and French)

  • picture of Susan Star, Director

    Susan Star

    Susan graduated from Duke University to become an elementary school teacher and mother to four very active children and wife to Frank Starr. Susan’s colon ruptured, her body went into septic shock for 30 minutes in 2004 and over the next 6 years her body deteriorated and organs failed. The disease Susan had, Dysautonomia, had a 0 % chance of being cured. But, God had a wonderful plan.
    On April 29th, 2010, Susan was totally healed through a miracle at a Randy Clark conference on healing prayer. Since then she has traveled the world to give her testimony and to watch Jesus heal thousands of others through prayer. Her desire is to continue to serve the Lord by praying for the sick and the poor and equipping others to do the same.
    It is amazing to see what Jesus will do when HE receives the GLORY! Susan has had the incredible privilege of seeing so many miracles such as the lepers' fingers and toes grow back, the dead come back to life and the blind receive their sight. All are coming into alignment with their original design!

  • Don Strasburger, D.C.

    Don Strasburger received his initial training in Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College. While in school, he studied a variety of Mind-Body Medicine Techniques including the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET).
    In his pursuit of excellence, Dr. Strasburger has returned to medical school working toward a Master’s Degree in Integrative Health Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University (TJU).
    Dr. Strasburger is currently NET Level III Certified through NET, Inc. and has received an Advanced Practice Certificate in Mind-Body Medicine at TJU.
    In February 2006, Dr. Strasburger met his wife Donna Florimonte, who has been holding home church since October 2005. Recently, while taking a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction class, Dr. Strasburger was inspired to create Christian Mindfulness Meditation to help others develop a powerful relationship with God.
    NET is beneficial in resolving physical and emotional stress and trauma along with love, acceptance, and forgiveness issues. Knowing how stress and trauma can affect the body, Dr. Strasburger will be able to help those he meets through WOHGHC.

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